March 7 Ski Trip

IMG_5083On Saturday, Greg and I got to go skiing for the day with our dads at Mt. Sunapee. The snow was PERFECT – by far the best I’ve been on this season, and the sky was so sunny and clear all day!
I’ve been skiing with my dad since he taught me when I was three years old, and Greg has always snowboarded with his dad, and they teach disabled veterans how to ski/snowboard together. So it’s really special that now we can all go out together and do something as a group that is so important to all of us.
Greg’s dad was able to get his hands on a new pair of skiis for me to keep that are a lot shorter than my old ones, and they were so much better to ski on. I could go faster while still feeling in control, so it made the day a lot more fun.
And I love that dad is going to be 72 in a few weeks and he is still out there skiing like a champ!
We got to go out for drinks/appetizers after and share stories. Greg’s friend asked dad what the funniest thing was to happen in his 41 years of being a police officer, so of course some good stories ensued from that!
I’m hoping for a lot more days like this in our future, it was one of the best days ever.